Product Playground Class Week 1

I recently signed up for a class on the Big Picture Scrapbooking website called Product Playground. The teacher ( Lisa Damrosch) aims to have us use up some of the big pile of scrapbooking products we just HAD to buy. Each week there is a different group of products and she gives us ideas and instructions but we make whatever layout we want and then post it in their gallery for all to see. I thought I'd post mine here too so others can see them. So here's mine from Week 1. The product group was bookplates/label holders. It's about a fishing trip my husband took at the very start of this year's fishing season.
Nice, very nice. I had to buy stuff to and then keep it for good, and then keep it to use as templates. I am a bit over hoarding as well and it is so liberating to use what I have stashed. Love the one.
wow, good job Pam! You used some holders for sure and it's so cute!
Pam it was so great to see you post on my blog. How are you? OMG it has been ages. Hope all is well and we need to keep in touch. Email me sometime.
BTW LOVE your work!
:-) Chrissy
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